Greetings from Saudi Arabia!

Just like Patrick I'm having a pretty densed travelling schedule the last few weeks. This week I was in Saudi Arabia, teaching a BizTalk course. This is really an amazing country, if you ever have a chance to visit it ... Some of my students gave me a personal sight seeing tour in the city of Jeddah: impressive. Thanks guys!

I haven't been able to keep up with all my blog subscriptions, but there's one that's really worth mentioning (probably you've already heard about it): Michael's Greth first SharePoint Podcast in English.Nice work Michael! I now that Patrick is really looking forward to something like that as well, he's even advertising his appearance on the SharePoint Advisor Conference in the podcast. So maybe you'll hear about a U2U SharePoint Podcast later on, or should we join Michael?

I'm off to the airport to fly home! By the way if you're in Zurich next week and if you want to have a geek-drink, drop me a line!

1 Comment

  • Jan,
    Greetings from KSA. I read that you liked it here back some time ago. Would be interested in a return? We are putting together some Sharepoint wss3 Accelerators and have started to look at the training and solutions required.

    Having some external expertise to help us may be benefitial.

    We are located in Riyadh, not Jeddah where you were before.

    If you are interested email is


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