Belgian .NET Bloggers Aggregated Feed

Since you can't hide something on the internet very long, here is the “official” announcement! :-) I've created an aggregated feed for all the Belgian .NET Bloggers. On this page you can see the last 15 post made by the bloggers in the list, ofcourse there is also an RSS feed. If you want your blog included or removed, please contact me.

Actually Patrick Verbruggen was the first one to discover the page (see his post) during my brief test period. At this point I haven't had any problems, but if you notice a bug or something like that, drop me a message. I have to look at the caching strategy too, so don't expect a high performance page (yet).

UPDATE The link for the RSS feed was wrong, this is now corrected. Although the link to the rss feed at the aggregated feed page is still wrong... I'll upload a new version tomorrow. Sorry for the problems...

UPDATE2 The link to the rss on the aggregated feed page is fixed too. (I really should go to sleep now...)


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