Windows Live Messenger Invites Available

If you are interested to test drive the new Windows Live Messenger (aka MSN Messenger 8.0, lots of info on the team blog), drop your email address in the comments of this post. The first three comments with an email address in it will receive an invite. The only thing that I'm really excited about is the fact that you can make phone calls to normal telephone lines (VOIP). My first tests are quite positive, the sounds quality is comparable to Skype (maybe even better). It's not that I don't like Skype, but I want to keep my task bar clean. :-) The only reason that I'm not uninstalling Skype already is that fact that Skype runs perfectly behind almost any firewall (a must-have-feature if you want to phone home from a hotel room). Next week I'll be in Porto for a VS 2005 Touchdown Training, so it will be a nice test!

EDIT: At this point there were more than 200 requests, so they are all sold out!


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