Installing Office "12" Server on a Single Machine

For all the Office "12" Beta testers out there who want to build a nice demo VPC image to show off all the new features: Martin has written a nice step-by-step guide.

Installing Office Server “12” Beta 1 on a single machine (either physical or virtual) is not entirely straight forward and having done it many times, there is a specific process that I go through which always works. In this article, I’ll share what works for me – hopefully it will work for you too!

Please bear in mind that this is just an unofficial guide to getting Office Server installed quickly and easily in a demo / test environment. This guide will not necessarily observe best practices with regard to security etc. For production setups, you should seek guidance from the official Microsoft documentation (on Betaplace). (full post)


  • I don't get this. Martin has in order to get Office Server 12 signed an NDA. In talking about this **publically** at all he is breaking that NDA.

    In other words in order to blog this he is risking the eternal wrath of Microsoft. Is it really worth it?

  • Martis is an MS employee, I don't think he risks the eternal wrath of MS. :-)

  • Martin's link is broken...

  • As the Community Lead for SharePoint Products and Technologies, I want to thank everyone who's evaluating O12 Beta to stick to their NDAs.

    Did anyone notice that the said blog entry has been deleted? NDAs apply to internal MS employees as much as they do for non employees. Until Beta 2, only those in the Product Groups should be blogging or talking about O12 features and other info. Beta 1 testers should be using the private newsgroups to ask about and discuss O12, not blogs or other public forums.

  • Hi all, firstly - thanks for the link ;)

    The reason that the installation guide has been removed from my blog is because it is a bit early in the product lifecycle to be talking publically at that level of detail.

    I'm hoping to re-publish the article around the Beta2 timeframe so keep your eyes peeled as I know how usefull these kinds of things are.

    Regards - Martin

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