SharePoint 2007 Goodies: the YASR Series

If you have been working with SharePoint 2003 you probably know the abbreviation YASQ which stands for yet another SharePoint quirk. Those quirks seem to be insignificant at first sight, but they are so important to be aware of if you don’t want to run into serious problems. Just imagine that you (or your sales person) have sold document level security in a content management system built on top of SharePoint 2003. :-)

In SharePoint 2007 a lot of those quirks, if not all, are solved. In a series of blog posts (rss), I’m going to show off some features that will transform a YASQ into a YASR: yet another SharePoint relief. They will come in no particular order and a lot of them are already spotted on other blogs; check for example Amanda Murphy’s posts. See you soon in one of the YASR posts!

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