Hippo.NET Build Tool Released

Hippo.NET is a tool for streamlining the build process of .NET projects in a team envirionment. It provides continuous integration by monitoring the shared Visual SourceSafe database and starting the build process when changes are detected. An important design goal is to provide a nice and easy-to-use user interface, to monitor builds and trigger the build process when needed.

Now you can download a stable version of this tool, with full source code.

Current features are:

  • Client/server model
  • Trigger build from remote clients
  • Implements the build process proposed by Microsoft
  • Automatic build number updates in AssemblyInfo files
  • Build history information
  • Current activity information
  • Fully configurable
  • Rich Windows Forms UI
  • Screenshot 1 - Screenshot 2

    If you try this tool, please give some feeback! Thanks!


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