Eureka! SoapExtension problems solved!

Maybe you've read my post about the problems I had while using a custom SoapExtension class. Thanks to an anonymous reaction, I found the sollution!! I was testing the webservice by using the default test page from Internet Explorer, but the testpage in IE uses the GET protocol, not the SOAP protocol. So there was nothing wrong with my code (I started believing I really sucked ;-), I only had to make a very simple test application. Thanks again to the person who submitted this tip!

So the result was that I had an application that showed the encrypted data... After some searching I discovered that I needed to alter the Reference.vb file manually and add an extra attribute on the Webservice proxy method:

<System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace:="", ResponseNamespace:="", Use:=System.Web.Services.Description.SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle:=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped) _
, EncryptionExtension(decrypt:=DecryptMode.Response)> _
Public Function TestMe() As String
   Dim results() As Object = Me.Invoke("TestMe", New Object(-1) {})
   Return CType(results(0), String)
End Function

It's great to have such a nice community of people to help you out!


  • Hello, my name es David and now I'm studing the SoapExtension.

    I have a problem and I don&#180;t found the solution. I do a client application that call a webservice. In my webservice I have a class that inherit of SoapExtension and save all the message that my web service receive. The problem is that never execute this class, and I have the correct configuration in a web.config file. (I use Visual

    Where is my fault?

    There are another option.

    Thanks for all


  • Need EncryptionExtension class for the windows application in VB lanugague..
    my mail id is

    Thanks in advance


  • A very good app t work with SOAP webservices is dubbed ".NET WebService Studio", by Microsoft. It´s written in .NET (I guess it´s C#) and you can load any ws in it, then just fill in the parameters and let roll! Usefull indeed.

    Best Regards,
    Matheus Safraid
    Curitiba, Brazil

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