Ingo talks about Webservices and Remoting

Last night I went to a presentation of Ingo Rammer about Remoting vs. Webservices, in Brussels, organised by the Belgian .NET Usergroup (BENUG) and sponsored by Ineta. The first part of the presentation was about Webservices (the usual stuff), and the second part was about Remoting (which was the reason I think, that people wanted to see this presentation because Ingo is known as a Remoting guy). Ingo did a nice job explaining the Remoting basics: creating servers/clients, registering channels, client activated, ...

After the presentation, he mentioned an article on his website about the performance differences between Webservices and Remoting, which I did not know (yet). It compares Webservices to Remoting (both in and out IIS), and shows that Remoting with a TCP channel is the way to go if you want pure performance. However I was surprised that in some case Remoting hosted in IIS, is not really faster then Webservices.

Btw: I have to say that if there were competitions held for typing code, Ingo could have the world record! Man, he types really fast... ;-)

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