Another great idea (NOT!!) by SPA-Spirit (Belgian political party): Free Software

Normally I don't react if some political party evangilises a stupid idea, but this time they've made me angry. It started with the following article on Sp.a heeft kritiek op Microsoft-aankoop door dienst Financiën. It turns out the Belgian government will buy 8.000 pc's equipped with Microsoft software. No big deal, but there is a political party that doesn't like this. No problem, everybody has the right to have an opinion (even if I don't like it). But the SP-A (= the political party) uses some arguments in their statement that are completely wrong (I only mention two of them):

  • easier software development
    Who says developing for Linux is easier? Come on!
  • more opportunities for Belgian ISV's
    What's the difference: you buy Microsoft products or you buy open source products, they both need to be implemented. Right?

On the site of another Belgian party (partner of SP-A), Spirit, you can view the famous video of Bill Gates and “the pie“ while visiting Belgium. Spirt why are you doing this? I think political parties can not promote such behavior! There is also a petition against Microsoft, check out the name of the html page: microsuck.htm. Who created this, some teenagers or some serious adults: I really don't know.

I'm really pissed off, this calls for action. I don't know how, but I do know that I will react. Maybe a petition in favor of the “freedom to innovate”, maybe an open letter, ... ? If you have any ideas drop me a line...


  • It is interesting how open source vs. commercial software is becoming a political issue. But there are ways to approach it.

    A political party who advocate the humiliation of people (whether admired or loathed, rich or poor) simply show themselves to be immature and unprofessional.

    I recently joined a University and was amazed at the level of integration Microsoft products have when working together. I can only imagine how this helps organise government institutions. Open source solutions simply aren't at this level yet, and perhaps without a corporate structure organising the teams and projects, will never be.

  • I share your opinion completely! I really don't get how you can write such statements. And why is Spirit posting that video on their site? Doesn't that show of immaturity? Damn... Well, I'm not going to vote for this political party this spring!

  • Even better.. They state the example of Munchen in Germany which switched to Linux.:)) Aren't they allready way over they budget?? Yes they are and just because Linux is "free" and "easy" to use. Well except offcourse that installing a printer takes a day on Linux and in XP a minute. But yes I can see the "easy" in use.


  • Well.. I am gonna vote for SP... this way I can safely download any book, any cd and any movie from the internet! Go for it Spirit! Everything for free! Why pay for intellectual property? And by the way, why do we pay you guys for so much crap?

  • Thx for the support guys!

  • I don't get the point. Linux easy to use and install, well I'm not sure about this. And also, where is the integration like we have with Microsoft products.

    Jan, let me know, I want to sign also the petition or open letter.

    And why using an old item about Bill in Belgium ? It has no use. And then the petition. Well I'm not in politics, but I understand Jan (and all the others) very well.

    Is this what thos politic guys do during the day, time to put some new guys up there.

  • I can only say this... Goe bezig ^o)

    ironical offcourse.

    So if software should be free, then i'll have no job anymore

  • Well euh Jan bring the aspx online and we will sign your petition amen.

    PS going for another round in the "Palieter ?"

  • SPA-Spirit are those guys who say everything should be free. Just to get more votes, because they surely do know that nothing is for free (even not Linux - and I'm not talking about those ISO's you can download, I'm talking about enterprise level).

    And if they change everything to Linux, how much will this cost us tax-payers? Last month, a big e-gov project of the Fed failed (another one). How much does that cost? A lot...

  • I think we should switch to european standards,

    Bye bey america, pushers of Freedom !

  • Which European standards are you referring too Paul?

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