NAnt BuildFile Builder Beta Version
One of the complaints that I've received about using the Hippo.NET Build tool, is the fact that you manually have to write your own NAnt build file. So one of the features I want to implement in the next release of Hippo.NET, is either generating buildfiles on the fly, or providing a tool to easily generate buildfiles based on the Visual Studio project file. That's why I've created the Hippo.NET BuildFile Builder (what's in a name ;-). On this site, you can generate NAnt buildfiles, based on a Visual Studio project file. You simply browse to your project file on your local harddisk and press the Generate button and a the contents of a NAnt buildfile are generated.
If you are intrested you can visit the Buildfile Builder site and give it a try. If you have comments, remarks, bug reports, ... please let me know! Just keep in mind that this is a very early beta and some improvements are comming in the next few days.