Hide The Default SharePoint Content Libraries/Lists *HACK*
Recently for a client I created a custom Document Library that is specific to their organization. After creating it I wanted to hide the standard document library that comes with SharePoint. I don't want to delete it, just hide it so it can't be accidentally created. Here in lies my problem. I search high and low for a possible solution. While waiting to here back from the SharePoint blog team, I decided try and find a workaround. This is what I came up with.
I decided to look at the actually aspx page that you see when you select "Create" from the site content area. I thought maybe I can hide the fields as they are created on this page. The file is called "/_layouts/create.aspx" and can be found at "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS". If you go down to line 158 you can see the code setting a string variable to the list template name. I found gold. After this line is where I inserted my nasty little hack.
if ((strTemplateDisplayName == "Document Library") || (strTemplateDisplayName == "Translation Management Library"))
This will hide the libraries from the view of the user. Just be aware that this might break if there is a Service Pack and/or Patch applied for SharePoint.
If you can shed some light on a better way please, let me know.