Differentiated UX

I cannot help to smile when reading Udi Dahans view on "Differentiated UX":

As if there wasn’t enough stuff for developers to deal with.

After the grand release of WPF, and the industry’s collective shrug and back to business, Microsoft stirs the pot again.

Yes, a compelling user interface may sell and 3D-views may help get a better understanding or a new insight of complex data, but showing the right data, at the right time is more important. Having said that, some of the new features of WPF and Silverligth migth actually help you with that, but application designers/architects should know what to prioritize.

I've always been interested in trying out new stuff, but .NET developers are getting swamped with too many new things from Microsoft now. Being a generalist gets harder and harder - I've no idea when I will find time to sit down and have a look at all new stuff. I used to find time to install and test new frameworks and tools, but it's mostly down to reading blogs and looking at webcasts for me nowadays.

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