I'm joining the mothership

As I mentioned previously, I interviewed in Redmond for a position with Microsoft in the Server & Tools Online group, specifically Community Applications & Services (Codeplex, MSDN forums and other stuff in that area). I got the word Friday that I had an offer, today I verbally accepted it, and pending a background check and move, I should be starting some time in early November! I posted a few words about the interview experience on my personal blog.

From a personal and professional standpoint, there are a million reasons why this is the right thing at the right time, and I really look forward to getting started. Those who have followed me on blogs over the years know that online communities have been a passion for me for as long as the Web has been around, and that's a perfect match to my enthusiasm for much of what Microsoft is doing. I look forward to being a part of the stuff in between the products and the people using them. Very exciting times!

In the process of networking around Microsoft, I've also talked to quite a few people there outside of the group I'll be working in, and it feels good to have a greater awareness of what's going on. By the time I left Seattle last week, I was more convinced than ever that for the most part, the Server and Tools division of Microsoft is headed in the right direction. After living in a market (Cleveland) where nothing outside of medicine is doing anything with forward motion, it's a relief to see myself as a part of something good.

So for the next few weeks, I'll be spending time selling non-essential stuff, making minor house repairs, closing out the season at Cedar Point, throwing a party to end all parties for our friends, and figure out how to get the cats to Seattle without causing them major trauma. My wife is stoked too, since her brother and his family lives out there.

What a year... marriage, honeymoon, unemployment, sell a house, move 2,400 miles, start a new job and prepare for a little bundle. Heck of a year!


  • Congrats!

  • Congratulations Jeff!

    Sounds like a good move!

  • Congratulations, Jeff!

  • Congrats Jeff.

  • Congratulations, Jeff!!

  • Nice move, Jeff!


  • Heartiest Congratulations and Best Wishes for a Wonderful Future to Come !!!

    Regards and Cheers


  • Way to go, best wishes!

  • Congratulations, Jeff :)

    So I recon, you'll replace / fix the MSDN forums with something useful/working? ;)

  • Congratulations, Jeff!

  • Frans: Probably not appropriate for me to comment on that yet. :)

  • Saw you mentioned you're moving to Seattle in the CoasterBuzz newsletter and wondered if my suspicions were correct. Congrats! Feel free to look me up in the address list after your join date if you need tips on flying back and forth to Cedar Point - I head there roughly 3 times a year, including the upcoming closing weekend - shame it's so soon.

    Again, congratulations and welcome to Microsoft!

    Aaron Hulett
    Microsoft Malware Protection Center - Redmond
    (We're also in Server & Tools)

  • Wow. Congrats! Wishing you all the best.

  • Hans: if it's anything like his POP Forums, we're in luck.

  • Just don't look at the underlying code, OK? :) There's a six year legacy of suckage in some of that. If I had the time, it would be much better from an architectural and coding stand point.

  • Congratulations on the new position. However, your announcement left me a little "puzzled", especially considering your post:


    It'll be good to see you on the other end defending your firm when it makes a mistake or doesn't do something that the general community approves of.

    You made a comment in a few on of the responses on your post:

    "So who is going to step up with the kind of leadership that will end the sucking?"

    Well, here's your opportunity :-) That's one thing about karma, be careful what you wish for :-)

    Good luck on the new venture.

  • I don't see your point. I'm pretty sure they're going to pay me to develop Web apps, not evangelize Windows.

  • But you *are* now a part of the *face* of Microsoft. It doesn't matter if you ever evangelize Windows or develop a Windows app. You'll be representing the company now, and all that it offers to the community (including Windows), and it would certainly be strange to see you post a "Why I hate Windows today" type post with the passion and energy you had a year ago.

    "I hate Windows. I seriously do." - That was your comment in that post. I've not seen anyone in the mothership so passionately "bash" their flagship product no matter what they do within the company.

    I personally don't think they hired you just to develop web apps. Looking at folks they've hired from the community over the past few years, they tend to go on and do much more.

    Again, good luck on your new venture.

  • Hating Windows is good - I mean, if your job was to improve Windows, it would be especially usefull, but anywhere in Microsoft, critical people are necessary. Stick with a bunch of yes-men/fanboys and you get a bunch of people who miss the forest for the trees. (Of course, this applies just as much to Apple as it does Microsoft - maybe more - I mean, ten years of OS X, and you can still only resize a window from the lower-right corner - WTF?)

    You've been at this almost as long as I have, and like me, you didn't come from the software world - that's a good thing. It's encouraging to see that MS is hiring web developers to build web apps, instead of hiring software developers to pretend to be web developers!

  • Good perspective, Matt. Thanks for the post.

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