Loving Apple TV

In today's Kool-Aid drinking exercise, I have to say that I really like the Apple TV. I bought it yesterday at my local Apple Store.

Scoble likes it too. What's fun about his post is the comments that follow. There is one post in particular that summarizes exactly the way I feel about it. If you look at the box like an iPod that syncs wirelessly to iTunes, uses your stereo instead of headphones, and your TV instead of its own screen, then you understand exactly what it's used for. And relative to the cost of an iPod, it's a pretty solid value. Like the iPod, it "just works."

As is the case with everything that Apple has done in the digital media space, the idea is to think of the most simple way to make things works. They already had a pretty good model in place for this when they launched the iPod, and the same paradigm works pretty well for video delivered around the Internet. It's relatively idiot proof.

Geeks want it to do this and that, or be like their Xbox 360 or XP Media Center or whatever, but honestly none of those things are as simple. I'll concede that you have to live at least to some degree in an iTunes universe, but as someone who is, that's a non-issue for me.

I dig it. 


  • Can we get any more apple banter from you? How is this "General Software Development" related?

  • Jeff,

    I'm sure the AppleTV is very nice and simple to use. That said, I think the Xbox 360 is also extremely simple to use. My technophobe wife uses it all of the time and so I find some of the ooohs and aaahs about AppleTV a little much.

    christoc - shouldn't Jeff be able to post anything he wants here? It is his blog after all.

  • I think it's relevant because almost everything about Apple involves UI, and that's software development. If you don't like it, don't read it. It took you more time to type your response than if you had just skipped it.

    I have a 360 as well, and I absolutely love it. The problem is that, in terms of music, it's not part of the Apple stack I got into four or five years ago. Microsoft has had so many DRM schemes and device chaos since then, and no store I've wanted to use. The 360 is great for trailers and "rental" downloads, but as a media hub it doesn't meet any of my needs really.

  • Jeff, with all due respect,

    I read this blog entry through 'ASP.NET Community Blogs' aggreation blog. This entry has no place there, but I don't know whom to complain?

    I know I can always skip reading your entries, but it is annoying to see completely irrelevant entries in 'ASP.NET Community Blogs'.

  • I love when people say "with all due respect" when they really mean "I don't respect what you're doing at all."

    People gave me crap a couple of years ago for posting career related stuff too, which I found particularly absurd since that's as much a part of what we do as typing "public void" on a daily basis.

    You're free to disagree, I'm just not that interested in hearing about it.

  • Too bad the Apple TV is propertiary technology and locks you into using Apple everything.

    Not that Microsoft is any better, but man it'd sure be nice if these companies could agree on a standard. Imagine if to play a DVD from Touchstone you also had to buy the Touchstone set top box.

  • I agree that's a real issue, though as I mentioned, not a big deal if you're in the iTunes world. And "proprietary" is relative too, since H.264 and MPEG-4 are hardly Apple technologies. If your video stuff is in that realm, you're golden.

  • I get every apple thread posted because it comes across the asp.net feed, I guess I need to setup a rule in my outlook to just delete all RSS items that have the word Apple in them, then I'd be golden :)

  • Yeah this is the typical feature-castrated Apple product for retards.

  • With all due respect Sebhelyesfarku ...

  • At least Apple TV/iTunes is cross platform. Windows Media's encrypted files (and Zune's) can't be used on a Mac even though making such compatibility possible probably wouldn't be a massive undertaking. iTunes, on the other hand, works with 99 percent of the world's computers since it works on Windows AND Macs. So, technically, you don't have to buy Apple everything (hardwarewise)...

  • Interesting -Competition is good. I loathe the video selection that is available for my XBOX360. The selection right now is so limited and the DRM is stupid...., but with Apple TV joining the fray, hopefully studios will open up content up a bit.

  • "Proprietary" is not relative. It does not mean "obscure" or "non-standard". It means "owned by a proprietor".

    WMV is owned by a proprietor. It is proprietary.
    ATRAC is owned by a proprietor. It is proprietary.
    WMA is owned by a proprietor. It is proprietary.
    AAC, H.264 and MPEG-4 are open standards.

    ALL DRM is proprietary.

    DRM is not a requirement for AppleTV, nor iPods.

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