Three-hour marathon interview

I had three hours of phone interviews today with people from a company I'm very much hoping to work for. That was crazy. It's not any less exhausting doing it by phone. You start to get tired of talking about yourself.

But I think it went pretty well. The last time I had that kind of marathon was in Redmond. This was a lot different, because these guys seemed genuinely interested in what I was about and what I had done. That's a far cry from Microsoft, who seemed more interested in trying to stump me or give me puzzles to solve. I'm more and more convinced that's mostly useless in assessing the ability of your subject. I felt like it was OK to simply say, "I don't know," when there was something I didn't know.

From what I can gather, said company is doing some really cool things in the near future, so I'm crossing my fingers. This is the first time in a long time that I've felt pretty good about what a company does, and what it stands for. I'm crossing my fingers.

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