Mono to Implement Avalon/Indigo?

The roadmap for mono dev seems to imply that they are going to try to implement Avalon (XAML and everything) and Indigo. Sounds to me like pretty risky business, as these components are seem to be more OS features, which just happen to be written on top of .NET, than actual .NET Framework features. If they do get Avalon up and running with Indigo on top of Linux, I would imagine that MS might not continue to be so friendly to them...


  • I don't think Mono will ever be a contender, it would be nice if cross-platform .Net was possible but that would require MS to stop working for a year or so and let Miguel play catch-up or for MS to throw him a bone (a few developers, etc).

  • I wish smart guys would work on creative stuff instead of .NET clones. Imagine if NullSoft WinAmp guys would have worked on a MS ActiveMovie clone (Windows95 player), instead of a better and newer stuff.

  • If Miguel et al would pull thier heads out of the Linux mindset and provided easy instructions for windows users (aka mono_aspnet_regiis.exe -i ) , they would be a contender.

    The problem for me with mono at present is that I have to find someone to setup/install a nix box with some other server just to see if it will support mySimpleApp.

    Will Avalon and Indigo "parts" be submitted as standards like CLR/IL/C# was?

    If not, how will they be able to implement it?

    S.R. :I wish I could just spend all my time working on creative stuff, but in the end the creative stuff has to be squeezed into the spaces between mundane tasks.

  • I bet the Mono developer's morale was pretty low as the looked over the Longhorn stuff. Just as they were starting to see some success with ASP.NET a whole huge 'nother world opened up. They won't ever catch up. They won't ever be 100% compatible. Microsoft knows this and is just letting them continue so that whenever a critic says "vendor lock-in" some rabid .NET can say "what about Mono."

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