.net Weblog Archive: Filter

"I really like Jesse Ezell's .net Weblog Archives (even though he didn't spell my name right at first! :) Here's my feature request: Filtering. I already subscribe to many of the currently archived feeds. I'd love to be able to filter those out of the RSS feed. Since RSS retrieval is a simple GET, the list of filtered feeds would need to be stored on the server side. Or you POST up the list of filtered feeds and get back the filtered aggregate RSS. Aggregating and archiving RSS seems to be hot right now, so a standard mechanism for filtering would be appreciated. My vote: lets expose a web service to retrieve aggregate RSS information."

I was just adding filter right now... although right now it is just a filter by text. For example, if you filter by: "http://dotnetweblogs.com/jezell" you will only get posts that reference my blog in their body's content. Useful for people like you that don't have PingBack yet :-). You could easily create a simple xsl transform to run over the rss feed and filter out only your desired feeds (that is how the content filter is currently working)... maybe I'll add this tonight?


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