Interesting... and they say MS is bad?

"You see, JBoss isn't a "Qualified Not-for-Profit" organization. Sun's "Java Specification Participation Agreement" says they've got to "qualify" if they wish to license the TCK free of charge. They can't qualify while Fleury is in the driver's seat and his company controls the fate of the JBoss project.

While we don't know how much money Sun is asking, its general counsel Larry Rosen was quoted on ZZ Net (here) as having placed the cost "in the hundreds of thousands of dollars".

Because of this, JBoss has refused to comply with the TCK unless Sun places it under the LGPL license. This will never happen, because it would allow anyone to become J2EE compliant and limit Sun's ability to draw the lines around the app server playing field and pick the teams."

[The Inquirer]

And all those Linux guys keep saying MS wasn't open enough with their specs... maybe we should all switch to PHP / Linux and forget Java and .NET... lol.


  • Linux isn't Sun / "those Linux guys" have the same problems with Sun, which is the point of what you just blogged.

    One sided trolling.... hmm, is this Slashdot ?

  • Depends what you mean by "those linux guys" :-). I don't mean the thirteen year old's that work on the kernel in their garage, I mean the ones that work in the real world, building J2EE apps 24-7 and are always talking down MS about because of the way they license the CLR technology and acting like the Java world is so far removed from that type of thing.

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