Java Guys Can't Beat VS.NET

I was listening to a panel discussion entitled “The Future of J2EE Panel, from TheServerSide Java Symposium 2003“ over on in which some big Java players (guys from Sun and BEA for example) were discussing the state of the industry and where they saw J2EE heading. What I found extremely suprising was the universal acceptance of defeat versus VS.NET. The belief across the board was that there is no way any J2EE tool vender could ever provide the same quality in their development environments that Microsoft has provided with VS.NET. 


  • Unbelievable. Propably true, but hard to swallow.

  • They've probably never used IntelliJ :)

    Also, the tools offered by Oracle and IBM for webservices are pretty ok too. I don't think VS.NET is such a groundbreaking tool. Not by far.

  • Unfortunately I'm unable to view the stream. But honestly, it doesn't seem that far fetched. The problem with IBM in particular is that they seem to have aligned themselves with the OSS community in as far as Java dev tools are concerned. To me that means that the evolution of Eclipse for example, may become pretty haphazard wrt what features are implemented, who QA's them etc. There's not likely to be a leader saying, hey, this is more important than that so lets do this instead. Who's going to build in Whitehorse like functionality? How does that integrate with whats already there? Which web development framework (out of the seemingly hunderds available) will be supported? If you support more than one of them, how do you ensure that these implementations are somewhat consistent seeing as religious wars will likely result in separate teams attacking the same problem? What about data acess? Mobile development? Who's going to QA the integration of all this into Eclipse? It's going to be fairly chaotic IMO. Eclipse is probably on par or ahead of VS.NET right now. But when it becomes a REAL open source project (i.e has many masters), I expect them to falter quite a bit in terms of quality and breadth of features unless IBM puts a strong foot down.

  • hi

    everybody should look at eclipse It is ahead of be far ahead

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