Building Custom HTTP Help Pages with WCF
Been asked this a few times and needed to figure it out myself, so I put together a post on how to host custom HTTP help pages for your WCF services:
Angle Brackets Are Dead. Long Live XML.
Many people fail to realize that XML can be used to represent many formats beyond the standard text xml encoding that most people recognize. So, I wrote a little post about how WCF takes advantage of this idea to illustrate what is possible when you change the way you think about XML.
Neuron ESB on Endpoint.TV
We recently sat down with Ron Jacobs to talk about Neuron ESB on Endpoint.TV.
Building a Simple Web Server With WCF
Tired of seeing a million examples of using REST support in WCF (which blows) and not a single example that goes beyond the basics everyone knows. So, I wrote a simple web server today using WCF and blogged about it:
Back in Action
Everyone keeps asking me to start blogging again... so I'm finally doing it. I'm back in action after a year or so off from blogging. Been working with WCF 24/7 since joining the Neuron ESB Team and have plenty of WCF tricks to share.