Web Profile Builder for Web Application Projects

Files can be downloaded from the Web Profile Builder project page.

If you use Web Application Projects, you have probably run into the issue of not being
able to access the Profile at design time.

Thankfully, some nice people created an Add-In for Visual Studio 2005 that will generate
a wrapper class as a workaround.  That project can be found here.  I wanted to contribute
to the Web Profile Generator project, but my emails went unanswered.  I decided to start
a new project.

This project picks up where that one left off and is based on their source code.  I started
out rebuilding that project as it stood to add support for Visual Studio 2008.  I got it to
work, but I wanted to do more. 

I decided to go ahead and address the issues listed on the original project site.

Here is a summary of the changes made.

  • First of all, this is no longer an Add-In.  Instead, it is a Build Task.
  • Works for Visual Studio 2005 and 2008.
  • Added ability to set the file name.
  • Added ability to set the directory the file gets created in.
  • Added ability to set the class name.
  • Added ability to set the name space.
  • Added an extra method as requested here.


  1. Run the installer.
  2. Add this Import statement to your project file.  (see special notes below)
    <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\WebProfileBuilder\WebProfileBuilder.targets" />
  3. Done.

The profile will get generated every time you build the project.

Special Notes:

After you modify the project file by adding the import statement, you will get this security
warning when the project loads.  Choose the "Load project normally" option and press OK.

Extended Usage:

If you want to customize the web profile, you can add the following sections to your web.config.

This section needs to be at the top of the file just under the opening configuration tag.
<sectionGroup name="robo.webProfile">
<section name="webProfileSettings"
type="WebProfileBuilder.WebProfileConfigurationSection, WebProfileBuilder, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=01d50f1f82943b0c"

This section can be anywhere under the configuration section.
<webProfileSettings className="MyWebProfile"
fileName="MyWebProfile" />

The directory name is not a virtual directory, but is in reference to the root of the Web Application.
The fileName is just the name of the file and should not include an extension.
The className and nameSpace are as you would expect.
None of these settings are required.  You don't even need to define this section at all.

If you would like to use Web Profile Builder, it can be downloaded here.
Also available is the complete source code and examples in VB and C#.



  • Thanks man!
    Works like a charm!

  • Why does this require .NET 3.5 to install under studio 2005?

  • Chris,
    Good question. &nbsp;I didn’t intend for .NET 3.5 to be required.
    I built this using Visual Studio 2008. &nbsp;I must have inadvertently made a reference to the 3.5 framework. &nbsp;I will post an update to fix this in the next few days.

  • I just updated the installer and source files. &nbsp;WebProfileBuilder now only requires .NET 2.0

  • Hello!

    Thanks for this project. But how can I update profiles other users than current (for example after registration set some default values)?

    Thanks in advance

  • GrZeCh,
    Sorry, I don't understand your question.

  • Sorry .. I'm always bad at describing my problems :)

    Lets say I'm administrator of some page and I want to change on field in my users profile (City for example). How can I do this from codebehind?

    WebProfile.Current.GetProfile("User").City = "New city";

    something like this should work?

  • ok .. I found solution for my problem.

    var user = new WebProfile().GetProfile("User");
    user.City = "New city";

    thanks again for this profile builder

  • when using source control, it's quite annoying to have to keep WebProfile.cs checked out at all times or to check it out every time before compile. Is there a workaround for this?

  • Kalle,
    I bet that it annoying. I use a source control model that doesn’t require files to be checked out so this is something I didn’t think of. I am planning to make an update that will address this issue. Thanks for your feedback.

  • Martin,Another good point. &nbsp;I will address this in the next update. &nbsp;Basically, I will identify if changes were made to the profile section in the web.config and only regenerate the profile class if there were changes. &nbsp;I’m crazy busy with my real job right now, but I plan to have this update out in the next few weeks. &nbsp;Thanks for your feedback and patients.

  • FYI - I update the source on the copy I download to only attempt to overwrite the source file when the source file is writable.

    private void SaveWebProfile(string code)
    // Write the code to disk
    string fullName = Path.Combine(ProfileDirectory, ProfileFileName);
    bool isReadOnly;
    isReadOnly = new FileInfo(fullName).IsReadOnly;

    if (!isReadOnly)
    using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(fullName))

  • Ah, very nice. &nbsp;I’ll incorporate this into the next release.
    Thanks Ben.

  • Really great! I'm developing my first projects in asp.net and I lost some hours before discovering that web applications don't have access to strong typed profile's properties. I was resigning myself to writing a boring wrapper for the ProfileBase when I found your work... Thank you!

  • Thanks for filling in an important hole, this was making me crazy trying to understand the difference after converting from a WebSite Project.

    Why does this REQUIRE a RootNamespace
    Frequently in VB I leave it blank.
    Perhaps, this is bad form, but there are many valid reasons to do so in VB.Net.

  • I'm fairly new to the .NET framework, and I'm having a hard time with step 2 in your install instructions.
    Under my project, there is a project file called "My Project", but it is not an XML-formatted file. &nbsp;It has a GUI menu with options that include "references", etc. and I don't understand where to put the &lt;import project /&gt; line to include into the project. &nbsp;
    Using this will help me greatly in dealing with my user profiles on the back-end and I am anxious to getting it working, but I am stuck.

  • Unfortunately did not work in VS2005 although I followed all the instructions...

  • I installed the setup file, inserted the statement into the csproj file, loaded the project and this error displayed:

    Warning 1 The "BuildWebProfile" task failed unexpectedly.
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at WebProfileBuilder.Builder.LoadProfileFromWebConfig(String path)
    at WebProfileBuilder.Builder.GenerateWebProfile(BuildWebProfile buildWebProfile)
    at WebProfileBuilder.BuildWebProfile.Execute()
    at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.TaskEngine.ExecuteInstantiatedTask(EngineProxy engineProxy, ItemBucket bucket, TaskExecutionMode howToExecuteTask, ITask task, Boolean& taskResult) theStore24

    Most of my references are now marked with the yellow yield icon. Attempting build of the solution then adds these warnings:

    Warning 2 The referenced component 'AjaxPro.2' could not be found.
    Warning 3 The referenced component 'CMPCDotNet' could not be found.
    Warning 4 The referenced component 'ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib' could not be found.

    Removing the statement from the csproj file fixes everytlhing.

    This is using the release with VS2008 on Win Server 2003 SP2.

    Any ideas on this?

  • i have the same problem !

  • "This property cannot be set for anonymous users"
    I get this error when accesing a property during signup in the CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser method. My code is:

    // Create an empty Profile for the newly created user
    MyWebProfile p = new MyWebProfile();
    p.GetProfile(CreateUserWizard1.UserName, true);
    p.FirstName = "Bob";

    webProfileSettings tag in config correctly generates the MyWebProfile class with all my properties.

    In my previous website project, I used this code that works fine:
    ProfileCommon p = (ProfileCommon)ProfileCommon.Create(CreateUserWizard1.UserName, true);
    p.FirstName = "Bob";

    Can someone please help me with this convert to WAP?

    I thought GetProfile created a new user profile like ProfileCommon.Create, but I get the error above.

  • I switched to ver 1.2 and the problem went away.
    I used the new static method to create a new profile:
    MyWebProfile p = MyWebProfile.GetProfile(CreateUserWizard1.UserName, true);

  • Liked the tool very much. However, there is a bug in v1.2.

    When you optimized the WebProfile.Current property, you made it into a singleton. This means that the first user profile accessed via this property is now used by every request until the workspace is recycled in IIS. I've entered a bug issue on it.

    Great work on the whole thing. We all appreciate it very much.

  • I get the following error when i try to build

    Error 1 The "BuildWebProfile" task failed unexpectedly.
    System.ArgumentNullException: String reference not set to an instance of a String.
    Parameter name: s
    at System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes(String s)
    at WebProfileBuilder.Builder.IsProfileSame()
    at WebProfileBuilder.Builder.GenerateWebProfile(BuildWebProfile buildWebProfile)
    at WebProfileBuilder.BuildWebProfile.Execute()
    at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.TaskEngine.ExecuteInstantiatedTask(EngineProxy engineProxy, ItemBucket bucket, TaskExecutionMode howToExecuteTask, ITask task, Boolean& taskResult) Web



  • Hi,
    I got the same error

  • This rocks! Thanks a ton!

  • Simon,

    You error is generally casued by the profile section not being declared with in the web.config.

    I get the following error when i try to build

    Error 1 The "BuildWebProfile" task failed unexpectedly.

    System.ArgumentNullException: String reference not set to an instance of a String.

    Parameter name: s

    at System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes(String s)

    at WebProfileBuilder.Builder.IsProfileSame()

    at WebProfileBuilder.Builder.GenerateWebProfile(BuildWebProfile buildWebProfile)

    at WebProfileBuilder.BuildWebProfile.Execute()

    at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.TaskEngine.ExecuteInstantiatedTask(EngineProxy engineProxy, ItemBucket bucket, TaskExecutionMode howToExecuteTask, ITask task, Boolean& taskResult) Web



  • Hey,
    Great tool! Took me some time to finally get it working with my system but its runs really well now.

    Only qualm I have with this is that it sometimes fails silently - build will succeed but the profile won't be regenerated. This happened to me when I had a "serializeas" tag in one of my profile parameters (instead of "serializeAs").

    Thanks again for the great tool!


    Ps. It would be incredibly useful if you could add support for nested type specifiers though. For some reason the code generator does not like something like "List`1[ KeyValuePair`2[Int, Int] ]"

  • I figured out the problem of when you get the rror 101 The "BuildWebProfile" task failed unexpectedly error.

    You need to have this line in your web.config:

    And you need to have the ProfileSection.config file in your project. You can find it in the sample application.

  • I only just stumbled upon this problem now as I have traditionally stayed away from the Profile object in asp.net 2.0 because it is a bit "twitchy". Very nice little tool and did the job as expected first time.

  • The Extended Usage steps above strictly use version in the web.config markup. I only have the latest version so the WebProfileBuilder assembly was not found in the GAC.

    You should add a note to update the web.config markup to the correct version.

    This is the solution to the issue barnchick posted July 17, 2008 2:58 PM.

  • I installed vs2005, got the following error
    The "Message" task could not be loaded from the assembly Microsoft.Build.Tasks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a. Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Build.Tasks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest. Confirm that the declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all its dependencies are available.
    Can anybody help?

  • I am unable to save the profile information. It says it saves but it never shows up in the DB.

    Membership.CreateUser(this.txtUserName.Text, this.txtPassword.Text, this.txtEmail.Text);
    setMessage("User added", false);

    //Profile prof = .Create(this.txtUserName.Text);
    MyWebProfile p = MyWebProfile.GetProfile(this.txtUserName.Text,true);
    p.ClientID = ddlClients.SelectedValue;

  • Everything appears to be correct. The database connection is correct and the class is being generated properly. There are no compile time errors and no run time errors. The record is just not being written.

    Could this be related to Ajax?

  • I removed all Ajax code so that is not causing the problem.

  • Hi Matt!

    Did you solve your problem? I have the same.

    Thanks, Krisztian

  • I was using the old addin for VS2005 - thank god you've done something for VS2008 as I use the Membership API a lot and in particular user profiles. Nice one matey.

  • Added the Import tag to project file. i am using to build a FBA user management with some custom properties. any help of how to use?

  • I don't have a csproj file for my web app, presumably because it's from HTTP rather than filesystem.

  • Awesome! Had it up and running in a custom directory and namespace in 5 minutes. Thanks!

  • getting this message. everything builds fine.

    Could not find schema information for the element 'robo.webProfile'.

    any ideas?

  • How do I save, I do not think that the class ProfileCommon as I save this method since error happens on the line and marked as I solve this error

    I'm using VS2005 Pro Edition and WebProfileBuilder

    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Security;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
    using CustomNameSpace;
    using System.Web.Profile;

    namespace MeuWebProfile
    public partial class Novo : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


    protected void CreateUserWizard1_ContinueButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //Pesquisa/Recupera dados dos IDs de Controles do CreateUserWizard
    CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)CreateUserWizard1.FindControl("chkCrianca");
    TextBox txtTel = (TextBox)CreateUserWizard1.FindControl("txtTel");
    TextBox txtEnd = (TextBox)CreateUserWizard1.FindControl("txtEnd");

    //Cria o Profile baseado na Class MyWebProfile do WebProfileBuilder
    MyWebProfile prof = MyWebProfile.Create(CreateUserWizard1.UserName);//The error appears in this line

    //Repassa os dados inseridos nos controles
    //para as propriedades(campos) dos perfis
    //do profile criado
    prof.Crianca = chk.Checked;
    prof.Endereco = txtEnd.Text;
    prof.Telefone = txtTel.Text;

    //chama o método Save para salvar
    //os perfis de meu usuário na Base
    //AspNetDb ou do ProfileProvider criada

    public static MyWebProfile Profile
    //get { return new MyWebProfile(HttpContext.Current.Profile); }
    get { return MyWebProfile.Current; }


  • How do you get this to work with the default profile or do you HAVE to create a custom profile class and then define every property in the class? I followed all the instructions and am still getting "[Property] is not a member of 'Profile'" errors every time I access my profile. It would really suck if I have to go and make a whole new class that defines all of my properties (again - they are in the web.config file). Please advise.


  • Hi,
    Thanks , I using your solution it . but I have a problem.
    I put profile update on sign up page and will update profile every time user loggined.

    The problem is profile information just after 2 times update, can be used on other page( after first login , all profile information was empty and when I re-try and login again profiles retun correct value) what is wrong?


  • For anyone else having trouble with Team Build try this:

    Add this to the TFSBuild.proj file in Source Control Explorer. Make sure you replace with the correct path to your project.

  • Hi,

    I'm new in Web Application and I don't seems to get it right. I have this build error :

    "BuildWebProfile" task failed unexpectedly.
    System.ArgumentNullException: String reference not set to an instance of a String.
    Parameter name: s
    at System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes(String s)
    at WebProfileBuilder.Builder.IsProfileSame()
    at WebProfileBuilder.Builder.GenerateWebProfile(BuildWebProfile buildWebProfile)
    at WebProfileBuilder.BuildWebProfile.Execute()
    at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.TaskEngine.ExecuteInstantiatedTask(EngineProxy engineProxy, ItemBucket bucket, TaskExecutionMode howToExecuteTask, ITask task, Boolean& taskResult) WebPO

    Thanks !

  • For those of you having trouble with Mark's team build directions, you will need to add:


    to your PropertyGroup so that it can evaluate $(TF) properly.

  • Another thing for people using Team Build.
    I found that doing a local build became a problem when the WebProfileBuilder.user file was locked due to it being under source control. I would get an error saying that the BuildWebProfile task could not access the file.

    I fixed this by adding
    before the node in Program Files/MSBuild/WebProfileBuilder/WebProfileBuilder.targets.

    I also added after the BuildWebProfile node to set the file to readonly again.

    I found that before I fixed this my project could not resolve any references also. So if you have that problem this may help you.

  • Everything works fine when testing in VS.net 2005 web server but when I deploy it to IIS 5.1 the data doesn't get saved and no errors occur. I checked the event view and don't see anything there either.


  • You need to give an example of your explaination.
    This is not good when all these people leave comments.
    It is poor, sadly to say.

  • This is very helpful. I also had the IO.FileSystem error and it was the version number. Great resource.

  • I have this at the top of my page:
    private WebProfile Profile
    get { return new WebProfile(Context.Profile); }

    and in the ItemCommand event of my gridview I have a switch statement with this:
    case "AddToCart":
    ShoppingCartItem newItem = DataLayer.GetProducts(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument));

    The cart saved succesfully when debugging in VS.net 2005 Web Server but when deployed to IIS the items don't get saved.

  • This is great! Worked like a charm... The examples on the download page were very helpful.

  • Got a problem. HttpContext.Current.Profile is not being set by Login.aspx (asp:Login) with a valid user. Remains the anonymous initial setting with the UserName as a guid.

    Got any ideas?

  • Hi,

    Quite useful if using default provider. Just wanted to know if it works with custom providers or not?


  • Anyone else having problems getting this going make sure that version is in the config section, as opposed to as in the example here.

  • ""


    Thank you so much!

    Everything works fine with PostgreSQL provider!!

  • You Saved my bacon dude.

    I cannot believe that Microsoft did not fix this bug with VS 2008.

    Thanks for keeping the project alive.

  • Wow! after many weeks of struggle, I finally found solution.

    Thanks Joe.

  • I have error:
    Error 1 The "BuildWebProfile" task failed unexpectedly.
    System.ArgumentNullException: String reference not set to an instance of a String.
    Parameter name: s
    at System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes(String s)
    at WebProfileBuilder.Builder.IsProfileSame()
    at WebProfileBuilder.Builder.GenerateWebProfile(BuildWebProfile buildWebProfile)
    at WebProfileBuilder.BuildWebProfile.Execute()
    at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.TaskEngine.ExecuteInstantiatedTask(EngineProxy engineProxy, ItemBucket bucket, TaskExecutionMode howToExecuteTask, ITask task, Boolean& taskResult) DTech.BussinessLogic

  • Hi, can I modify my project file (.csproj), if no .csproj being generated by asp.net web application??

    thanx in advance

  • Thanks man. Pingback with my own instructions on my first try with this. Take a look max, I tried to explain that the csproj file may have its extension hidden. And just in case there was a misunderstanding, this is with a Web Application Project.

  • Brillant stuff mate :)

  • Good one. I had to use the config settings for it to work with ASP.Net mvc but it works great.

  • Does this work with Visual WebGUI projects? I have tried it but not class is generated on the build.

  • Awesome tool. The only thing you might want to mention is that the WebProfile class file is generated into the root of the project by default, and that you will need to add the file into your project. This may have been obvious, but I thought I would mention it.

  • Awesome tool. One problem. I have set up everything and it works well via vs2008 ide. But as soon as i publish to iis i get the folowing error.
    The settings property 'ShoppingCart' was not found.
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

    Exception Details: System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyNotFoundException: The settings property 'ShoppingCart' was not found.

    Source Error:

    Line 127:
    Line 128: public virtual object GetPropertyValue(string propertyName) {
    Line 129: return this._profileBase.GetPropertyValue(propertyName);
    Line 130: }
    Line 131:

    Source File: D:\Development\Work\IconManiacs\IconManiacs\IconManiacs\WebProfile.cs Line: 129

    It works fine via the IDE

  • Really annoying that Microsoft did not fix this themselves, but thanks for an awesome tool, it cost me several extra hours unfortunately.

  • Where to put the line mentioned in step2:

    In what file? web.config?


  • I was able to create a user, recover password by email, and login. I would like to integrate this with my application basically I would like to be able to retrive UserID and use into my other aspx pages, wouls some one point me to the right direccion.?


  • This is awesome. Thanks!

  • Hello

    I had same problem. I was using info path and I had forgotten to include security files to the project solution.

    if you do so and still have the access denied, the reason would surely be the Manifest.xsf

    it is set to read-only hence the solution can't change it when it builds put it in check out mode and build solution all should be fine.


  • Hi !
    I am using Visual Studio 2008 Team Edition with SP1.
    I add the tag as said above to "myProj.csproj", but when I open the project I am getting the following error

    Unable to read the project file 'myProject.csproj'
    D:\Projects\myProject\myProject.csproj(78,13): The imported project "C:Program Files\MSBuild\WebProfileBuilder\WebProfileBuilder.targets' was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that that file exists on disk.

    After installing the WebProfileGenerator.msi file I tried searching my C: drive for .target files but I was not able to find "WebProfileBuilder.targets".

    Could you please help me overcome this issue ?


  • Could you clarify on where actually I should put
    <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)... tag?
    I followed your instructions, and Profile class in not
    generated at all.
    Are there any other steps to be taken in order this code
    to work?
    PS. I assumed, since you used "add" word, that the tag should be at the end of the file just before
    closing tag.

  • @Wroble:
    I'm using VS2010 x64 on a MS Windows 2008 R2, x64 and WebProfile worked for me, thanks!

    Your solution worked for me.

  • I've been using your profile builder for quite a while, and it's been great!

    I've recently started using it with VS 2010 and .NET 4.0 and I'm running into a strange problem. Everything appears to be working correctly, but WebProfile.Current always returns the value of the first person logged into the site since the last reload of the web app in IIS.

    This happens on a Windows 2008 server with IIS7 as well as on my Windows 7 workstation using the VS built-in web server.

    Any ideas on this?


  • I'am sorry i don't know where to put the ,who can help me?

  • I'm with Terry. In which file do you actually put the ubiquitous ?

  • Hi Joe, thanks for all your work on this however, I still have a problem.

    After carefully following instructions I have the WebProfile.cs in place but I still get "Error 4 The name 'Profile' does not exist in the current context " for code like this:

    "Firstname.Text = Profile.Firstname;"

    I guess the namespace is wrong but, being a relative amateur, I don't know what is should be. Something like

    Firstname.Text = MyProfile.Firstname; ???


  • In my situation using VS2010, after building the project the webprofile.vb class was not automatically included in the solution. I had to show all files on the project, right click the webprofile.vb file and select include in project. After this I was able to access the props and methods of the webprofile class. This step seems to be missing from the instructions or is an issue related to vs2010. I don't receive the "load project Normally" dialog.

  • I downloaded the setup file, installed it, modified the project file, selected "Load project normally".

    However, I still got the same error.

    Any ideas? Thanks a lot!

    BTW, I am using vs2008, asp.net 3.5

  • Has anyone got this to work with VS2010 c#? I've installed the WebProfile Builder, added my properties to the web.config. Did a build on the project. No WebProfile.cs file. What am I missing? Someone who has think working could you help me out?

  • Never mind, I'd overlooked specifying the Provider Proprties in the web.config!

  • http://www.kps-fl.com/blog/?p=17

    Explains it pretty well, how the installation works in VS 2010.
    Just put the <import ... just over

  • Hi joe,

    we are upgrading our project to Visual Studio 2012. It seems that Web Profile Builder doesn't work in VS 2012, is it correct? Will there be an upgrade for Web Profile Builder to VS 2012?

    Best Regards

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