[Tip] Use IE for FTP, even if it's no longer your default browser
[Update: There's a decent FTP client for Firefox now: FireFTP. I recommend that instead of this registry hack.]
IE's got a pretty good FTP browser - sure, it's not a full featured client, but it's handy for a quick drag and drop file up / down. It makes the Firefox FTP view look downright quaint (hello, Netscape 2.0).
So, after setting whatever browser as your new default, merge this reg file into your registry to associate only ftp:// links with IE. You'll probably need to right click / "save link as..." in Firefox.
Or if you'd rather do this manually (copy the blue text, paste into notepad, save as IE_FTP.reg, and double-click on the reg file), here it is:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;This assumes IE is installed in its default location
;c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer
@="URL:File Transfer Protocol"
"Source Filter"="{E436EBB6-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770}"
"URL Protocol"=""