[OT] Why the name JonGalloway.ToString()?

Why is my blog titled JonGalloway.ToString()? I've had several non-nerds ask me that recently, so here it is:

ToString is a programming command to get a text representation of an object. A software object can be a very complex system, and the ToString command has the difficult job of giving a short description of what's inside. In computer programming, a String means "a string of characters" - basically, some text.

Some objects tell you nothing useful when you call ToString - just their name, or what type of objet they are. Others will tell you not just who they are, but what they're doing and where they've been. It's a general concept that's up to the object, and each handles it differently.

That's the title of my weblog - JonGalloway.ToString(), and I like that term as kind of a larger abstract concept - creative output (writing, music, etc.) is a tiny summary (500 words, 3 minutes of music) which attempts to describe complex essense, being, and substance of the person(s) that created them.


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