[link] Riya - Photo search with face recognition
I've been looking for this exact product for a few years now:
Riya is a free photo search service built around facial recognition. Sure, they support searching based on who's in the picture, but they've taken it further than that by treating the faces as people with identities and e-mail addresses. If I upload a picture of you, it'll show up in your searches[1]. That's cool!
This looks like social software that actually makes sense.
I've been wanting basic facial recognition in photo management software for a while. I played around with libface for a bit, but doing this thing right takes much more than a weekend hobby project. I'm glad these guys are doing it right.
Any bets on who buys these guys our for bazillions of Web 2.0 bux (W2B)?
[1] Subject to user defined permissions, of course. It looks like the linkage is at the e-mail level rather than at the facial level, which would be kind of creepy.