NSurvey goes 2.0, shifts to mixed license model
NSurvey has gone
2.0 and shifted to a mixed license - free for community use, paid for commercial
use. There's also a pretty good NetPolls system, and a
new DotNetNuke module version has just been released (doesn't appear to be
linked on Products page yet, but if you register you can download it
from the forum ).
I've got mixed feelings about this - it's a great package that's obviously
taken some time to build, but new licenses aren't cheap. The whole
open source community development thing doesn't always seem
to pan out.
Still, it's a great package and the new release adds a lot of professional
NSurvey V2.0 is finally available along with new licensing terms from the member section. A a FREE community license is still available for small to mid size surveys.
Regarding features V2.0 provides with a new level of professional features like a new reporting engine, most part of the core have been rewritten and a full active directory support is now part of the tool.
DotNetnuke version will be available again beg 2006 stay tuned ..
Here is the complete change list of v2.0 :
New features
Submit survey button gets disabled after a user clicks on it to avoid multiple submissions
New styles creator to create new styles template online and visually without vs.net or webmatrix
You can now create groups to manage users, roles and survey access
Roles's rights are now inclusive if you have a user, group with several role
Full Active Directory user / group provider to integrate NSurvey in any Active directory environement
Active directory security addin that allows to take the form only if the user is authentifed and has the rights to take it
Password image generator answer item, can be used to avoid automatic submissions from bots
Password image generator security addin
Progression percent can now also be shown as graphical bar
Messages editor allows you to edit / translate all system and control messages of the language Xml files
Web installer located at : "/installer/default.aspx" that allows remote installation of NSurvey's database without any external tools.
Specify a reporting alias that will replace original question, answer labels in exports and results reporting. It also makes it easier to retrieve data directly from the database using third party reporting tools without having on the question, answer label which could change.
Country flags can be shown to the user for multi-languages selections surveys
Creation of messages templates for the Emailing features
Specify fields, answers to export
Token generator and security addin that let you generate or import unique tokens for survey security access
Tokens can be used along with the emailing tool using the [--invitationtoken-] tag instead of the standard [--invitationid-] tag
Ranking answer type added
Constant sum answer type added
SurveyBox control supports languages which need to be written from the right to left
Users can be allowed to change their answers after they have submitted them
New "key provider" model to allow external security addins to provide unique keys to the resume and change modes
Active directory, Email and token security addins can be used a key providers
Report engine has been completly rewritten
Reports can be cloned
Extended filter allows you to create a filter based on specific answer types
Report builder to customize reports based on report items
Report item addins architecture allows to easily extend or integrate any additional new item to the reporting engine
Included report items addins (Free text, graphical, voter and cross tab report items)
Show text answers grouped by answers or by voters
Paged text answers reports
Ability to show publicly specific reports at the end of the survey
Report can be shown in print mode
Branching, skip logic and conditional messages engine have been completly rewritten
More user friendly Branching, skip logic and conditional messages engine interfaces
Branching, skip logic and conditional messages engine support now logical branching AND / OR groups
Regex can be used to validate text entries for Branching, skip logic