Who does the actual work?
Pop Quiz - You send your Toshiba laptop in for repairs. Who does the actual work?
- Federal prisoners
- HP
- Independent contractors
- Best Buy
- Toshiba volunteers
- U.S. Military trainees
- UPS workers
"Windows cannot find '' Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again."
Well, I've done it. I've gone and made Firefox my default browser on my home computer. One of the first things I noticed is that opening a URL as a “Start / Run” command pops up the following error before correctly loading the page:
[OT] LCD Projector << Tax Refund
We just ordered a BenQ PB6200 LCD Projector.
RE: Web Graphics Exploit Marching Across Internet
Sounds like Snow Crash - view an image, get infected.
Reverse Reverse Enum Lookup, or GetName
IE Market Share... and Why It Matters
The world was stunned this past week by reports that the Internet Explorer development team was finally caught in a "spider hole" near an unassuming farmhouse in Redmond. They're actually continuing development on IE, and are interested in what people think. [see IE Storm Watch for the sordid details]
No, I wasn't aware of that...
(from MySQL Maestro) -
POP access to web e-mail
The major web based e-mail providers have been cranking up their spam filtering, which is great, but I still have to slog through it to catch the false positives - mail I'd like to see that got incorrectly marked as spam. For instance, I would have missed a GMail invite yesterday if I'd just dumped the spam, but going through it invloves checking 300+ likely spams a day. That seems to a common problem, from talking to friends and scanning blogs.
Hiding that "Server Application Unavailable" error message
Sometimes custom HTTP messages don't work. Especially with ASP.NET.
Cool solution to the "Ugly RSS Link Issue"
I was just struggling with "Ugly RSS Link Issue" this weekend - you want the little orange XML link, but you know that a lot of folks are gonna click on it and see naked XML and think it's time to reboot or possibly even get a new computer... one with a lot more megapixels.
Piracy and Unconventional Wisdom
Interesting article on software piracy:
[util] Check COM Object by ProgID
Extended a utility VBS from Hairy-Spider blog which checks if it can create a COM object. Added listing of COM Object Description, Current Version, and File Path to DLL / EXE if it can get it.
[util] MoreGoogle
MoreGoogle is a 30K plugin that modifies the presentation Google of results to add cool stuff like thumbnails, “open in new window” link, and links to archived versions of the site (at the Wayback Machine) and related links (Alexa).
What would you want in a Linux / Mono Live CD?
I've been wanting a Live CD with Mono so I could start playing with .NET apps on Linux. I got a response to my blog request for such a thing, asking what I'd like included. Well, heck, I don't know much about Linux so I thought I'd ask around. I say pack it out - if I'm gonna burn upwards of twenty cents (before rebate) on a cdr, I want to fill it up. Trouble is, I don't know what to fill it up with.