My ASP.NET news sources
I just posted about the ASP.NET Daily Community Spotlight. I was going to list a bunch of my news sources at the end, but figured this deserves a separate post. I've been following a lot of development blogs for a long time - for a while I subscribed to over 1500 feeds and read them all. That doesn't scale very well, though, and it's really time consuming. Since the community spotlight requires an interesting ASP.NET post every day of the year, I've come up with a few sources of ASP.NET news.
The ASP.NET Daily Community Spotlight - How posts get there, and how to make it your Visual Studio Start Page
One really cool part of my job is selecting the articles for the Daily Community Spotlight, on the home page of the ASP.NET website. The spotlight highlights a new post about ASP.NET development every day from a member of the ASP.NET community. You can find it on the home page of the ASP.NET site, at
Submitting a drive-by commit to a GitHub project in under 5 minutes
I recently mentioned how I contributed C# syntax for CodeMirror; what I didn't talk about was how incredibly easy it was. I think the biggest obstacles to open source contribution are:
Herding Code podcast update: 3 years, 115 episodes and 25TB of traffic later...
Back in May 2008, K. Scott Allen accidentally called my on Skype, and we joked that we should start a podcast. And then we did - we roped in Kevin Dente and Scott Koon since the four of us tended to argue quite a bit on Twitter anyways - and kind of figured it out as we went along. Along the way, we've recorded 115 episodes (pretty much an entire week of audio), discussed the comings and goings of myriad technologies, and had the opportunity to talk to some incredible guests.
Using CodeMirror to add C# syntax highlighting to an editable HTML Textarea
I wanted to display some C# code in an html <textarea> control that was displayed in an ASP MVC 3 application using @Html.TextArea():
Getting Mono compiler output in a web application using StreamReportPrinter
I've been continuing my experiment with Mono's compiler as a service in an ASP.NET MVC application and making pretty good progress. One of the difficulties I ran into along the way was in troubleshooting compiler errors when I'd deployed the application. Almost all of the content and documentation on Mono.CSharp is in a console application / REPL scenario, which doesn't help in tracking down errors in a web application.
C# and VB.NET - Differing namespace conventions
Recently, while reviewing the VB.NET translation of the MVC Music Store tutorial, I noticed that none of the controllers / models / classes in general have namespaces. I was going to blow up on the person who did the translation like a bad FxCop, but I fired up a new MVC 3 / VB.NET app and saw the project template doesn't use namespaces, and that the New Controller wizard doesn't use a namespace, etc. After checking with the ASP.NET team, I decided to post the VB.NET source code without explicit namespaces in each class, because that's how the code would look if you followed the steps in the tutorial.