Another new blogger checks in...

Thanks, Scott, for setting me up here.  I've been reading the DotNetWebLogs for a while (since Keith Pleas mentioned them at Chicago VSLive!) and now will add to it - hopefully all signal and no noise.

I've been designing solutions using Microsoft tools since the mid-80s (BASCOM, anyone?).  I left the contracting world a couple of years ago to teach VB and assorted topics at a local community college.  I'm also in the process of getting an MS in Computer Science.  Between teaching, learning, and continuing to get up to speed on .NET I have my hands full.  MCDBA and MCSD (VB 6, but I hope to update to .NET within the year).

As I learn more about .NET I'll post stories on what I've learned, so that others may benefit.  Other than that, I'm keeping my eyes open - it's from the posters here that I have learned so much already.  A big thank you to all of you!

1 Comment

  • "Stryker, Stryker, Stryker!" (I love that line.) Welcome to DotNetWeblogs, John. Wow, you've been around longer than I have. I beat you in posting my first blog by two days, so I'm a rookie here, too. Great first post. I look forward to future good signals from you.

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