[Reference] Resume Dream Catchers

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  • The comment about needing a MS entry on a resume for .Net prior to June 2000 isn't entirely true (but mostly). If you were lucky enough to work on a project for one of the MS Elite level partners (I think there were 9 of those companies at the time), you could have been exposed to .Net prior to June, 2000. How do I know? I worked on a project for one of those companies (Merck). It sure helps to if your company's CEO is on the board of directors for MS.

    DonXML Demsak

  • well what about this one:

    Microsoft Quick C V1.0

    anyone recall date for that one??

    MS Access 1.0 ??

  • There was another notable MS product, we sharpened our teeth with - SQL Server (1991 with the joint MS/Sybase Server). Soon after that came ODBC which I think proved just as important as ActiveX, etc.

  • Well, some of us non-Microsofties *do* have 4 years' experience with .NET, or close enough, anyway. My first exposure to .NET and ASP.NET (when it was still called NGWS and ASP+) was in May of 2000. I thought I was being clever when I registered the domain name aspplusguy.com. Little did I know how quickly it would be obsolete. :-)

  • I am adding some reference to MS Elite level partners, NGWS, and ASP+ and will make an entry for SQL Server. Thanks!

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