Problems with Mac OS X Tiger Upgrade

Earlier this week, my wife upgraded her PowerBook to Tiger. Big mistake. She found herself unable to connect to our wireless network at home. Even worse, while her machine was trying to connect, it prevented any other machine from connecting. It appears that something about how Tiger requests an IP address causes our US Robotics 8054 router to continously reboot itself. Other people have reported a similar problem with a D-Link router - supposedly the problem has been fixed in the forthcoming 10.4.1 update. A work around that solves the problem in the short term is to use a static IP address on the Mac instead of a dynamically allocated address.

The other problem that she encountered was that her Epson printer stopped working - it displayed a cryptic error about the raster imaging system. It is apparently quite a common problem with the Tiger upgrade - removing the printer and re-installing it seems to fix the problem.

At least I know that even if I switch my parent's computers to Macs, I'll still be needed for tech support duty. ;)


  • Any router that reboots itself because of a packet on a network is surely the problem?

  • Hard to argue that the router shouldn't be rebooting itself. But it does work fine with a myriad of Windows PCs as well as older Mac OSs. Hard to know where the problem is, but it's quite possible that Tiger is generating a malformed (or atypically formed) DHCP request that the router is particularly sensitive to. Other mfgs routers are having similar problems, so it's not just a quirk in mine, and Apple is releasing an update for it, which supports the claim that there is an OS issue. Either which way, not a seamless upgrade experience.

  • My home network has worked well for 5 years until I went to replace my old PM 7300 with an eMac installed with OSX Tiger. It refuses to recognise the ethernet, tells me it's not connected and won't configure or connect to the internet. Put the plug back into the 7300 and it works ok

  • my powerbook g4 cant go on the actual internet wirelessly, but can go on any instant messeging or downloading software... i tried evrtything to fix it...have no clue, started yesterday, but have had tiger for weeks.

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