Simple but handy VS2005 macro for C# code navigation
aVariable = DoSomethingThatReturnsOneOfThese();
And you want to jump to the source for the type of aVariable (that is, if aVariable is of type SomeClass, you want to jump the source for SomeClass). As far as I can see, Visual Studio doesn't give you a simple command that does that navigation. So here's a simple macro that does it.
Sub GoToVariableType()
End Sub
Trivial but effective, and it saves me a couple of keystrokes. I map this macro to CTRL-F12 (a shortcut which as far as I can tell is only used by C++ projects).
Note that this only works if you don't declare multiple variables in one declaration statement. For example, it works with declarations like this:
SomeClass aVariable;
but not this:
SomeClass aVariable, anotherVariable;