Post-build events with VS.NET troubles
Hmm. It would seem that Visual Studio .NET 2003 doesn't like running post-build events for projects loaded from a UNC path. How terribly unfortunate. The error it gives is:
No more SOAP Toolkit
Eek. Looks like Microsoft is stopping support of the good old SOAP Toolkit. Not terribly suprising, but I think they could have given us a little more time. July 1, 2004? We use the SOAP Toolkit in our (still mostly) COM-based system, and 6 months is an awfully short timeframe in which to rip out that code and integrate the .NET Framework. Guess we'll be working without a net for a bit.
Indigo concerns somewhat assuaged
Thanks to Dave Bettin et al for pointing me at the “Indigo: Coming Attractions” PDC presentation. That definitely cleared up some of my concerns about the Indigo programming model. If I understood it correctly, ASMX's
Indigo application concerns
I recently read Yasser Shohoud's article about creating Indigo applications using the PDC Whidbey bits, and it has me a little worried. I missed the PDC, and this article was really my first look at the details of writing code against Indigo.
Encryption in .NET
Recently an article went up on MSDN about cryptography with the .NET framework. I've seen many articles like this. Know what? Almost every single one does what this article does - creates helper functions that take a chunk of plain text and return a chunk encrypted text. I must have seen this same chunk of code a dozen different times.
Copying files
Will there ever come a day when Windows Explorer, when it encounters an error during a file copy (due to a sharing violation, for example), actually gives you the option of skipping the problem file and continuing on with the copy? As opposed to the current behavior, where it just bombs out and stops copying.
Merging assemblies
Fabrice points to an MS Research tool called ILMerge that can be used to merge multiple assemblies into one. This reminded me of some tinkering that I did a while back with creating single-file executables. I didn't have an explicit need for this, really, but from an aesthetic perspective there's something nice about a program that consists of just a single file. Plus, it's the ultimate in xcopy deployment.
CodeGen and Partial Classes
During a recent chat session on debugging with Visual C#, the following questions and answers came up: