Microsoft UK
I’m visiting the Microsoft campus in Reading on Friday 26 October (tomorrow). I’ll be hanging out in building 3 I believe, for an MVP event. Do stop by and say hello if you’re in the area.
Go Bokke!
South Africa wins the Rugby World Cup!!!
To XmlLite or Not To XmlLite
Since publishing my XmlLite article in MSDN Magazine I have received a lot of questions about distribution. Clearly developers are very excited to have a fast and “lite” alternative to MSXML for native code but the lack of a redistributable for Windows XP keeps coming up as a roadblock.
What Do You Want Me To Write About?
The third installment of my Windows with C++ column should be out next month and I am starting to think about what I will be writing about next year. It looks like I’ll be writing 5 articles for this column next year and I thought I would follow the lead of fellow columnist Charles Petzold and ask you, dear reader, what you would like me to write about.
Where Have I Been?
Sorry for the lack of posts over the last few months. Karin and I moved our family (three little kids) from beautiful British Columbia to England. Why on earth did we do that? Well it’s a long story but basically hopes of getting a US visa to work in Redmond ran out and we really wanted to get closer to family and couldn’t have been further away in Vancouver. It has been a long and arduous process but I am happy to report that we have settled in a town called Whyteleafe. The location isn’t particularly interesting as we just needed a place to settle while we figure out where exactly we want to live. Any ideas? :)