Today I’m leaving for South Africa where I’ll spend 2.5 months with my family. If you have any questions about Window Clippings or my articles please be patient as I may not be able to get online to check my email as regularly.
Windows Web Services versus ATL SOAP
After publishing the WWS article I received some questions about how this compares to ATL’s SOAP stack. I’m certainly not trying to convince anyone to switch over to WWS but it has some benefits that may be useful in some scenarios. I also haven’t used the ATL/ServerXMLHTTP stack much so I’m probably not the best person to do a comparison. From what I can tell however it uses either WinHTTP or WinInet and MSXML. Given that there are some things I can point out
Windows with C++: Windows Web Services
My latest Windows with C++ column, Windows Web Services, just went live on the MSDN Magazine website. Here I’m taking a break from Direct2D to highlight the new SOAP stack introduced with Windows 7 for building both clients and servers. It’s completely native, has minimal overhead, and is incredibly fast. From the article: