Offline in the UK... again

BT has once again shut down my account for no reason. We’re shortly moving to a new house so I’m not even going to bother fighting it. I’m cancelling my BT account as well as my Virgin DSL, paying the cancelation fees, and looking for a cable provider that can offer both telephone and Internet access. I just can’t handle the stupidity of it all any longer.

I’ve had terrible service from Virgin so I’d prefer not to use them for cable but I don’t think there are all that many choices.

Any ideas?


  • For any BT broadband customers...

    I've been with BT for the last 9 months on option 3 and have just received a call from them offering me a £2 a month discount if I sign up for another twelve months because I'm such a loyal customer. I said that's still too expensive so the salesperson said I could pay the option 1 price and have the option 3 package when it's time to renew the contract. That will save me about £12 a month.

  • apart from Virgin - is there any other UK ISP that can provide the internet connection via cables (as in NOT the phone landline), my area in Milton Keynes is not in the "Virgin cable" area, so I have to have a landline (even though I don't use it) to get a broadband.

    I was with bulldog phone+internet for about 2 years, but found a cheaper option - BT landline (£11/month) + O2 broandband (>8meg = £5/month, >16meg = £10/month for O2 customers), so now I am waiting for BT to switch my phone to them and dump bulldog =)

  • no, Virgin Media is the only cable company in the UK - it was formerly a heap of previous companies, NTL, CableTel, Nynex

  • Yes, British customer service and ability to get things done really is this bad. I could rant for hours, but it is easier to say: we left the country. Emigrated. Never to return, except for visits which only serve to reinforce the decision. UK? Useless K...

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