Tabbed Browsing in Visual Studio

Don Box points out the neat tabbed browsing support in Visual Studio 2005. It’s certainly way better than the tabbed browsing provided by the MSN Toolbar which flickers terribly as it switches IE windows.

Another tip is to use the VS 2005 Document Explorer (used by the MSDN Library) which uses the same IDE for tabbed browsing and you get to store links in the Help Favorites.

The main drawback is that it doesn’t include any of the popup blocking provided by Internet Explorer so make sure you don’t visit …

© 2005 Kenny Kerr


  • That is some expensive browser.

  • This actually works like that in VS.NET 2003 as well and always has. Probably in 2002 too but I don't have one installed anymore to verify that.

  • Nope it's not new, but it's not very helpful when lots of code windows are open, as far as generically browsing goes. One might find it useful if an additional Horizontal Tab Strip was utilized, although screen real estate becomes an issue. That approach at least allows simultaneous access to the code windows.

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