The MVP Summit is Love

So this is my first MVP Summit and it sure is interesting. The theme seems to be that the VB folks are disgruntled. They seem to be feeling left behind. Everything from “VB6 or die” to case-insensitive programming. I hadn’t actually realized the latter was a “thing”. I just figured … well never mind.

Being under NDA has its limitations so let me put it this way: I can neither confirm nor deny that... we were all sitting in a talk given by Don Box when one of the VB MVPs starts bemoaning the fact that XML is case-sensitive and how that’s just too hard. Before I could blurt out some quip remark, Scott Hanselman pipes up: “So XML is hard – boo hoo”. As I said, I’m under NDA so I can neither confirm nor deny the unfolding of these events.

But we are all a loving family of MVP children and don’t like it when mommy and daddy fight (Sorry you had to be there to get it).

Anyway, I’m looking forward to meeting some more folk tomorrow. If you haven’t bumped into me yet, I’ll probably be with the developer security crowd tomorrow, but if there are any C++ MVPs or Microsofties you can always pull me aside for a good old chat about the most powerful language for writing managed code. Sorry folks, its case-sensitive.

© 2005 Kenny Kerr


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