This and that

It’s been a while since I posted anything. I spent some time in South Africa. Increasingly I feel like it’s time to go home. If only it were that simple. We’ve also had a bit of a rough time here in England. I have also heard that a few people assumed that I’d be driving around in a Ferrari after the announcement about PlateSpin’s acquisition for $205 million in cash. I should just mention that I left PlateSpin about six months before the acquisition and did not get to share in the big payout for a variety of subtle and not so subtle reasons. So if you’ve enjoyed my articles feel free to support me by purchasing a license for Window Clippings – it will be much appreciated!   :)

There are a few more articles in the pipeline at MSDN Magazine. The first talks about writing asynchronous HTTP clients in native C++ (naturally). The second talks about high performance algorithms and cache-conscious design. I’ll post updates as they are released.

I’m also on track to release the next major version of Window Clippings in a few months. I’ve received a ton of feedback and am prioritizing new features and improvements to address the most popular requests.

As for this blog, I’m going to try something new. The articles I’ve posted on this blog have traditionally been on the long side (usually a few thousand words each). Although I enjoy writing them they do take a lot of time to put together. I’m going to try a little experiment and post a series of short articles (only a few hundred words each) and see how that works out. Please let me know what you think.


  • Short blog entries would definitely be nice, specially if it means more posts from you :-)

  • Kenny,

    Sorry to hear about England, I spent 10yrs there, (London) and never settled in. I think I told you to head towards Australia!! (Best country in the world) Currently I and the family are in Spain (Barcelona) should be in Aussie in 2yrs.

    The short articles sound like a good idea.

    Also looking forward to the new features to WC.

    Keep up the great work.


  • KK,

    I think that both long and short articles have their place. These days with information overload being a big problem for a lot of geeks, you're more likely to have people read your stuff if the article isn't the size of War and Peace.

    Perhaps, if you feel that the article deserves to be longer, you can write a short version and give the user the option of reading more by linking to an extended version?

    Either way, you run a great blog, and I'm sure people will enjoy whatever it is you have to offer.

    All the best!

  • Kenny, to be honest, I don't care if you writen a post with just a few words or if the post has more than a thousand words. what I can tell you is that if it's yours, I'll read it from from the beginning till end! Keep the good work!

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