Favorite FireFox Add-ons for Web Development

Here are a couple of FF Add-ons that I have been finding really useful:

FireFTP - great for using FTP as a tab in your browser window. Saves your connection profiles and makes it easy to do quick updates and previews with web development.

GMarks - If you like using Google Bookmarks instead of a social bookmarking site, this add-on makes it easy to organize your bookmark labels as folders. You'll definitely want to set it up to use the sidebar - this seems to work the best. Once you are up and going and have all of your bookmarks organized, it is simple to drag a link from your address bar directly into the sidebar folder you want it to appear in. Also has a nice search feature. 

 FireBug - Definitely worth a test drive if you still haven't tried this yet. This really eliminates the need for the old 'right-click-view-source-selection' technique in order to troubleshoot layout and CSS issues. Of course, it does a lot more than that, but I use it because it previews the source code and CSS really well.


  • Not sure what I'd do if Firebug didn't exist!!

  • These kinds of lists are becoming old hat. You should blog about how to use FireBug because nobody bothers to go into any detail about that.

  • Hi rrobins,
    >>>>>>>These kinds of lists are becoming old hat. You should blog about how to use FireBug because nobody bothers to go into any detail about that.

    That's a good point. I suppose I would if I actually knew anything really worth writing about it :-) Odd as it may sound, I just recently discovered FireBug through another list, and thought there might be some other late bloomers out there. I tried to keep it short and sweet!

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