Convert Database String to DateTime
When debugging database datetime in my apps, I like to sometimes fake the data going to the database. Heres a code snippet that converts a database string to a DateTime object.
Using Reflection and Type.GetType
Recently I had to use Type.GetType to use Remote Objects in IIS (yea its old) and I kept running into a problem with Type.GetType("...") returning null.
WCF - Using WebHttpBinding for REST services
You can use WebHttpBinding to have REST endpoints in your WCF application to expose simple public service calls.
Get an Enum value from a string
I love to use enumerated datatypes for programming. This code snippet is really useful for getting an enum value from it's name rather than it's integer index.
Update browser cache for CSS and JS files for modified files
When working with CSS and JS I've noticed that sometimes the browser (ex: Firefox) doesn't download the latest version of the .css or .js files that I'm working on and goes straight to it's cached version.
DateTime.ToString() Patterns
I've taken this from: because I use it so much and would be devastated if it ever went down :)
Cool Javascript Tools for the Web
The AJAX control toolkit is great, but it's always better to have more tools and controls.
Call Javascript Function on Postback
I ran into this problem when I had to call a javascript on page load after my server-side code threw an exception to the user.
Hello Community
Hi everyone! Big thanks to Joe and my friend Aaron for opening me up to a community that's actually worth being in. All of this Web2.0 technology is pretty interesting. Also big thanks to Telligent for making this magnificent Community Server software.