PDC "Gatherings"

It took a few weeks to put together, but INETA now has their first feedback system in place, this time for gathering topic ideas for “Birds of a Feather” (or BOF) get-togethers at the PDC.

What's particularly interesting is that this is a real departure from Microsoft's usual practice: Previously, the BOFs have all been centered around Microsoft product management. So, rather than being true BOFs, they were more like “Ask the Experts”. So it's now up to the “community” to decide what they want to talk about. Sure, some Microsofties are likely to show up and see what's being talk about, but they won't be running things. So, what do you want to talk about? Gee, what if it's about non-Microsoft products? <wicked grin>

PS: There's also going to be an “Ask the Experts” on Tuesday night where we're planning on having a fair representation from the INETA Speakers Bureaus (US, LATAM, & Europe) , the vast majority of whom will be at the PDC.


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