Visual Studio 2008 missing Dynamic Data and other project and item templates

A few day ago I installed Windows 7 RC plus the Visual Studio 2008 SP 1 and the .NET 3.5 SP1. I spent 2 days trying to find out why the Dynamic Data project templates and other Item templates, like the ADO.NET Entity Data Model. I really gave up on Windows 7 thinking that it could be the bad boy.

I swear at least these templates were missing:

I installed Vista Ultimate and tried .NET 3.5 SP1 on demand/off line installers. Still those templates were not there. I googled and found a lot of people talking about hot-fixes, Visual Studio command lines like devenv /vsinstalltemplates, which I believe may have worked for some but for me unfortunately it doesn't.

After some more formatting-then-installing-again Vista, I downloaded the Visual Studio 2008 SP1 which comes with the .NET 3.5 SP1 in the same bundle and it worked like a charm :)

Here is the magic link: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 (iso)

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  • I was downloading/installing the exact SP1, then meanwhile I found this blog post and also for me it worked, I can now play with the ADO.NET Data Services and makes some RESTful interfaces.

    I also wasted too many hours with the missing templates. The stupid thing is that I downloaded the Visual 2008 with SP1 integrated from the MSDN site, and I had .NET 3.5 SP1 already installed.

    I would say a BIG #FAIL for Microsoft, and thanks for sharing!


  • Bart and Mike thank you for leaving comments!

  • I can't seem to find the Entity Data Model template either in VS 2010. It is not available in the online templates either.

  • Hi There Friends...

    Just tried as recommended and downloaded the ISO. Even burnt it on DVD instead of using something like daemon-tools, and everything went fine..(20min) no reboot required either.

    But after starting VS2008 Team Suite Edition the templates were still missing. Afterwards I recognized, that I once generated a WebProject based on 2.0 dotnet framework, and it kept that setting in the Combobox... so click on web project at the left site and change .net framework back to 3.5 at the top for instance ..and Et Voilá .. there it is... Now I am happy :-) Hope I could help... Cheers Everyone

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