Using IValueConverter to format binding values in WPF
First we need implement the value converter, to accomplish this we need to create a new class that implements System.Windows.Data.IValueConverter, this interface works only for simple binding. If you need to use multi binding you will need implement System.Windows.Data.IMultiValueConverter. In the attached sample both interfaces are implemented.
How to do virtual paging with ASP.NET, AJAX and SQL Server 2005
This sample provides a way to avoid full postback of the page, just updating the grid that contains the data.
Parsing SQL Like to avoid overloads SQL Server
When using Stored Procedures or embeds SQL in a query generally we forget about parse the parameters where a Like condition is present. The are two possible wildcards for the LIKE function in SQL Server, that are _ (underscored), that replaces a character ant %, that replaces any quantity of characters.