LINQ.Flickr 1.2

Last week, I have released LINQ.Flickr 1.2 , this new release comes with some bugs fixes requested by community.  The best of them was not to be able to search only by user and with specific photo size. The bug started after converting it to use LinqExtender instead of its own query logic. So, now here it is

A complex query for getting 12 most recent photos for a user "neetulee" (my wife's photo stream, need to track what latest she uploads :-))

var query = (from ph in context.Photos
             where ph.User == "neetulee" && ph.PhotoSize == PhotoSize.Square
             orderby PhotoOrder.Date_Posted descending
             select ph).Take(12).Skip(0);

Also, I got request to have different config section for Flickr settings, which looks like

    <section name="flickr"
 type="Linq.Flickr.Configuration.FlickrSettings, Linq.Flickr"/>

  <flickr apiKey="##Your API Key##" secretKey="##Your Secret Key##"/>

Finally, I have added a NUnit project to test out the API, I will soon come up with a local solution that mocks flickr request, it is really slow and time consuming to test against remote source (esp , when you have to upload, get photos).

And, one thing that I sure forgot to mention the demo_app, that I have created on LINQ.Flickr , it is still work in progress and working on converting it to MVC with some more features that will give a good startup with LINQ.Flickr. I will keep posted when done :-)


Overall, thanks to the community for outstanding support, I hope to have it in coming days.

LINQ.Flickr project URL : 


kick it on


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