So last night I took the plunge and bought a TiVo, and much to my dismay - $600 later, I have a working TiVo. I guess I should have done my research to find out that you need to purchase their subscription ($12.95 per month, or $299 for the lifetime of the box) along with the actual hardware. Either way, the investment will pay off in the long run. I've already setup several "season passes" to record the shows I watch most of the time.
I am dissapointed, however, in how you need to set it up initially. The box said "broadband ready," however you need a land line to actually set the hardware up for the first time. Talk about a pain when you don't have one! I ended up hanging out with my girlfriend's uncle all night while the thing took its sweet time (1+ hour) to set everything up. However, after I bought a USB ethernet adapter (which sucks, because the TiVo should have this built in), and hooked up to my network when I got home...and voila! broadband connectivity.
Now, to actually record the quoted 92.5 hours of tv in basic quality...
Update: I was told to use "Medium Quality" to get the best picture for space (thanks Chris!), however that doesn't get me 80 hours...err, why do they lie! BTW - if you leave it in best quality, you're only going to get about 25 hours, not even close to the 80 quoted on the box.
Update 2: Another kind poster (thanks Oskar) noted that if your recording an action movie or something that has a lot of fast movement, use "high" or "best" quality.