Scott Likes Me, or WebDeploy

Scott Watermasysk likes WebDeploy! Good! BTW - I've you've not seen or used WebDeploy, now is the time. I'm working on version 1.2 which is slated for a 1.2 release. If you follow to scott's post, you'll see some previews.


  • I just got a question/request (I haven't been able to test it yet, because I'm not on my dev machine), but does it give you the option to change the web.config debug option to false ?

    That would make me a happy man to find a tool with that feature.

  • Jason,

    No, WebDeploy does not look into your files at all, it serves as a "copier" from one location to another.

  • Any chance that you will be able to add extensions to the Extensions to Copy section? We use some other image type and .jse javascript files. Or can you do this already and I'm being dumb?

    Thanks for the great tool.


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