Movie Reccomendation: The Village

I just returned from one of the best movies I've seen this year, "The Village" by M. Night Shyamalan. If you go to and check out the average score, it got a 1.17 out of 5. I think I need to say that the reviewers didn't actually understand the movie, and the 43% "go and see it on the big screen" general audience (poll) did. It's got several twists that give it the type of movie for anyone who liked "The Game" or "Sixth Sense". Definately a see it now movie...just bring a pair clean underwear.

1 Comment

  • I saw it yesterday and although its a good movie, (I dont think M. Nnight knows how to make a bad one) Its not my favorite M. Night movie. I didn't find it scary and actually I kinda figured what was going on fairly early. But maybe I am just too used to his style by now.

    He got me with 6th sense and ever since that he wont get me again. :-) Ok I lied he got me with Unbreakable too.

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