Upgrading Forums

Update: I've successfully migrated to Community Server :: Forums 2.0. However, roles were not brought over successfully, so if you were apart of my beta testers, please let me know. I've also just sent out a mass email to everyone that had signed up (great interface for that, I must say), alerting you of the upgrade and beta testers issues.

I'm currently working on upgrading my forums from ASP.NET Forums 1.0 to Community Server :: Forums 2.0

I was able to successfully export all my data and import it on my local machine. Currently the forums are missing because I'm upgrading. I'll keep you posted.

1 Comment

  • I attempted an upgrade yesterday, however when I browse to the new virtual directory, I get a 404 error. Configured as an app in IIS? Check. Recompiled? Check. I have no idea what's going on, can't even browse from the server itself. Proceed w/ caution :-)

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