NewsGator Inbox - NNTP Plugin Updated
Coinciding with the release of NewsGator Inbox v2.6 today, I’ve released a patch to the current version that enables my NNTP Posting Plugin to start working again. Sometime in the time prior to the 2.5 roll-out, they changed how a few attributes in the NewsGator OPML was stored, which didn’t allow me to retrieve the correct URL for the posts. As such, this release fixes this issue, as well as upgrading to .NET 2.0. If you’re currently running the plugin, it should alert you the next time you attempt to post. Otherwise, head on over and download the latest version.
Released: Excentrics World Server Controls v2.0, Beta 1
Pulling a late night tonight to get the official Beta 1 out the door! I’ve locked the control set, which will include the following controls:
Release - Excentrics World Controls - Beta 1 Preview, Refresh 1
Ahh, another week another beta. I just dropped my Beta 1 Preview, Refresh 1 to my beta testers, and boy does it feel great. This beta drop included support for 2 more controls from my collection, as well as some breaking of backwards compatability. In summary, I’ve removed AccordianPanel and OrderedListBox. However, I implemented the
Released - Excentric's World Controls - Beta 1 Preview
Talk about a good weekend for me! I was able to prepare and release the first Beta 1 Preview to my testers. It’s been a fun couple of weeks working on re-writing the controls for .NET 2.0, and I’m just glad that the first phase is done. I figured the approach I would take for releasing beta’s would be very similar in how CTPs are launched. You’ll notice I called this a “Beta 1 Preview” because it contains a subset of the server controls. If you’re still interested in beta testing, I’m always looking for more people, so contact me. Ohh, and to the community awaiting the release, here’s a subset of breaking changes / features that went with this build:
Firefox Woes
So I've been running IE7 Beta 2 Preview since it was released, and I've not had the troubles that I've had within the last hour of installing FireFox, okay so I can't really compare them - I just gotta put the plug in. I'm currently re-writing the CalendarPopup control and got it fully functional in IE7. So, I decided to switch over to FireFox to see how it works. Well, it seems that some bug crept into FireFox that gives random errors like the following: "Error: Error in parsing value for property 'cursor'. Declaration dropped." Huh? Are you kidding me? This is simply a style being applied to a SPAN tag! Browsing the internet isn't turning up much, but I did find a few posts & newsgroup postings with the same error, heck even with other style attributes. Now that's progress - backwards, that is. Disapointing, and hopefully these things get fixed in the next build. Well, the bright side is that the control still functions as expected, you just don't get a pretty "hand" cursor. Oh well, back to it I guess.
Update: Bah, my lack of understanding w3c standards comes to bite me! BTW - new link I've never seen... ... haven't had time to really check it out. -
Beta Testing v2.0 of eWorld.UI Controls
While v2.0 of the eWorld.UI controls are still a bit on the horizon as of right now, I’d like to open the door to anyone wishing to beta test v2.0 of the controls. This version will be only supported on the 2.0 .NET framework, and there will be breaking changes from the current release to the 2.0 release. If you’re interested, please drop me a quick line so I can add you to the list.