XSD Designer will not open in VS with Office 2003 Beta installed

I've just finished setting up my new Dell D600 notebook, and as always surprises occur. I was about to edit my typed dataset XSD file when nothing happened in VS.NET 2002. The XSD designer would not open. I then tried to add a new dataset to the project to manually move the schema. Then I got this nice message:

The daVinci Diagram Surface could not be found. Please reinstall Visual Studio.

I reinstalled Visual Studio with no success. A quick google (always google before you reinstall - AGBYRI) returned a solution that Steve Smith came up with just 5 days ago. We both have the Office 2003 Beta installed (I have the Beta Technical Refresh as well) and this seems to overwrite these dlls:

c:\program files\common files\Microsoft shared\msdesigners7\msdds.dll
c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\msdesigners7\msddsf.dll
c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\msdesigners7\msddslm.dll
c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\msdesigners7\resources\1033\msddsui.dll

Steve suggest reinstalling in a certain order, but that's not necessary. Just overwrite these files with some from a machine without the Office 2003 Beta installed. I don't know what problems it will cause for office though. Too bad I couldn't find a Bug Report feature on officebeta.microsoft.com.


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